Thursday, March 24, 2005

Last night was one of the worst nights I have had this past couple of months. Normally I wouldn't let anybody know how I was feeling. I am so used to doing things on my own, standing on my own that I don't bother letting anybody help me. But it was different last night. You never know who are truly your good friends until they stand by you and make sure you are okay. They sit there and listen to you no matter what. It's good to know that I have some friends out there that I can come to. I ended up crying myself to sleep. I woke up this morning and just laid in bed. Not wanting to get up and live this day. I just didn't want to feel this pain anymore. But I had to be strong. The words of my good friend stuck in my head. I just keep replaying eveything he said in my mind so that I can get up and be strong. After how much I cried last night you would think that I wouldn't cry anymore, but I was wrong. I spent most of my time this morning crying. Constance came in to do something instead I opened up and just talked to her. I showed how weak I was and just started crying my eyes out again. How am I going to get through this weekend without showing my parents that I am hurting so much? Somehow I will put it off, i don't know how but I have to find a way. Who knows how these next couple of days are gonna go for me, all I know is that I am in the point to not caring right now. I feel so dead inside, so lost. I have to remember what has been said to me and keep staying strong. There are people out there who are going through worse things. I need to stop feeling this way and be happy for what I have.

Happy Easter everybody!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!


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