Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I took a loonnnnggg nap this afternoon so i know i will definitely be up ALL night. Oh well, my fault. Anyways, today has just been a very good day. I got up from my nap, then me and candi got ourselves all cute so that we could take pictures. =) That was fun. Afterwards, we went to go see clare's horse and the baby. It was Ofon, Jeannie, Candi, and me. We tried to get tickets to the game around 6:20 but they weren't going to start selling them until 7. So me and candi walked back to change into some pants cuz it was getting cold. Then Ofon and Jeannie came to pick us up and take us to the game. It was an exciting game. I am glad I went. It just sux that we lost. Stupid mistakes and bad calls. Anyways, after the game all of us, including matt, went to wal mart and then to sonic's. I was so hungry. We came back to the dorm, which we had to wait outside for a good while thanks to a fire drill. Now I am finally back in my room. Have no clue of what to do. I don't have anything to study for. Thank God I get to go home tomorrow!! =) Maybe being away from here will help me out.

why does this happen?


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