Sunday, May 29, 2005

Perfect timing

Yesterday was my cousin's graduation. So we spent like 2 1/2 hours there and then went to eat. A couple of guys annoyed the hell out of me, but other than that it was fun. I ordered Caldo con arroz because i wasn't really hungry. Well I was excpecting a small bowl, I was wrong. They should put on the menu EXTRA LARGE BOWL. That thing was huge, no way did I even come close to eating half of it. In fact, I think I only ate like barely 1/4. Anyways, afterwards we came back to my aunt's house to change and then it was time to hit the parties. First we went to this girls house where there was a good amount of people and just chilled there. I was proud of myself because half of them were smoking and it was kind of tempting but I kept myself away from it =) Improvement. Then we decided to hit up Graham Central Station. There were so many people there. It was nice though. We all danced and just enjoyed the music. We stayed there for about an hour and then went to another party. Oohhh, and I drove a truck. How cool is that. I have always been kind of scared to drive a truck because they are sooo big. But I was like okay time to try it. Totally enjoyed it. There like seven of us in the car. So imagine me driving a truck, seven people talking all at once, raining, and me having no idea where I was going. lol. I have no clue about any of the streets in Corpus so I was just driving anywhere. I had so much fun. Then one of the guys annoyed the hell out of me. He thought he was actually getting somewhere with me but in reality I wanted to stop the truck and kick him out. Ugh. No point in talking about that. Anyways we made perfect timing when we got home because right when we stepped in the door the rain started to pour bad and then came along the lightning and thunder. This totally made for an adventurous night. I can just imagine me in houston next week. I probably wont even know how to get to my own place. HAHA. That'll be fun though. I can't wait.

Things are looking soooooo much better now. Thank you God!!! I don't know why I felt like that yesterday. But it's over now. I am back to smiling again. =)


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