Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Sometimes we learn the hard way about keeping certain words to ourselves. But hey at least we learn for the next time. In other cases, some people can make you feel so good by saying something sweet to you. =) anyways, today has been another great day, it was just full of laughs and smiles for me with the exception of one moment, but I rather not think of that. I spent the day mainly with my momma. We did some errands together and watch Freaky Friday and I helped her with the AVON. I spent some time outside just relaxing. Also spent some time with my beautiful cat and dog. Then I did my workout. It feels like I get a better workout everyday. The game was just awesome. It had me on my feet towards the end but what a lovely outcome.

If you were to ask me if I am going through changes I would definitely have to say yes. I was talking to a friend of mine online last time and it was funny cuz she was like "wow so this is the new kym". lol. and i was like yeah, sort of. i just needed to get things straight. Think more positive. Not let things get to me so much. I mean we can't control the majority of things that happen in our lives, but we can control the way we look at them. We just have to deal with them. I am fixing a lot in my life and I think that's why I have been in such good moods lately. I am not gonna lie there are still those little moments where I wish about certain things, but then it's the new part of me that says "kym come on don't think about it, just live for what you have right now. If something is gonna happen then it will in do time, if not then hey enjoy what you have and then maybe something better will come along." I can't explain completely on everything I have changed but as long as I can tell that's all that matters. I feel better about myself now. My smile that many people have complimented on before has come back. I feel like i am laughing every little while. I am joking around a lot more, always making people laugh and putting them in a better mood. I went through a phase where I thought just because I didn't have these few certain things in my life that there was no point in enjoying life, but now it's like what the hell was I thinking. I didn't need those things. And I still don't. There is still a few things I must fix and get adjusted too, but hey I am willing to work hard to fix them and I now have the patience to deal with all of it. I think one huge adjustment that I want to do is not read people's blogs all the time. I know it sounds crazy seeing as how i don't mind people reading mine, but I think sometimes i read or see things that I just wish I hadn't. I don't know. We'll see how I go about adjusting that situation. As far as appearance goes. If you know me really well then you know I hate the way I look. So I have finally taken charge of that and started working out, eating right, dyed my hair, and etc. I can honestly say I am really happy most of the time now. Everyone has their set backs sometimes so of course I have some, but I don't want to think about it anymore. As much as I wish for somethings to be, I can't spend my life hoping and wishing about it.

Tomorrow should be a good day. My mommy finally gave me her answer today and it was yes!!!!! So we are going to the car dealership tomorrow to talk to the guy and hopefully get my car already. YAY!!!! I might be a car owner by this week. I am praying so hard for it. This would be so good right now. Then the rest of my day should probably just be filled with working out and running errands. OMG, it's suppose to be 107 degrees tomorrow, so crazy. Oh well, can't do anything about it. Sweet dreams everyone!!!! I hope you all are having a great summer. =)


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