Sunday, March 27, 2005

where to start? Well, Thursday was filled with a lot of tears. But I finally got myself together so that I could pack and get ready to go home. Clare took me to get an ice cream. Thanks Greg!! =) Everyone knows that ice cream makes me feel better. haha. Anyways the trip home was okay. Thought a lot about the night before and things that were said, but Jeannie and Clare helped me get my mind off it. We finally got home around midnight, i think. It felt so good to see my family. I am truly glad I went home. I was so close to staying here, but thank God I didn't. Friday was good. I spent a lot of time with my nephew, mom, and sister. We went to go get my phone reconnected THANK GOD =) Then we took my nephew to the carnival. That was fun. Except for the point where my mom and sister made me get on this ride with Isaiah which totally made me sick. well not really sick but damn that thing did go fast. It did make me laugh though. Then we got a funnel cake which was delicious. Later my sister decided to pour all the white powder on my favorite black shirt. I wanted to kill her. Then i found out it was my mom's idea so i was going to get them both back later. and i did =) That was hilarious. Okay anyways. Later on that night I played a few games with them and then watched The Incredibles with Isaiah. That was such a cute movie. I am glad I finally got to see it. I stayed up and watched a movie with my daddy and then finally fell asleep at about 4:30am. I woke up the next day to the smell of breakfast. Absolutely delicious. Then went out with my sister to run some errands. At night I went out with my sis and her fiance. We went to shoot pool. I had so much fun. I was on a winning streak until I lost for scratching on the 8 ball =( stupid 8 ball. Anyways, I learned some cool new tricks so I can't wait to try them out. I got home around 3:30 or so and then fell asleep at around 5am. Today was hectic. I woke up around 9:30am. Took a shower and got ready for church. I loved church. Especially when they played my favorite song. They said a lot of things that really hit me. But then again church has a habit of all always doing that. Anyways, i went home and got ready to see my grandmother. I missed her sooo much. At first my sister wasn't going to let me go, but my dad convinced her. So i went to my Aunt's house and spent time with everybody. Had a really good conversation with my grandma. We cracked eggs and then picked up. I had to rush home though cuz i only had an hour to spend with my family before leaving. My dad was making a carne asada for me which was delicious. I love my daddy!!! We all cracked eggs there at my house and had a water gun fight. =) totally fun. Then it was time to leave =( For once I wasn't ready to come back. But i had no choice. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Like always I had my share of ups and downs. The major downer of my trip hasn't really hit me yet. I have cried a few times, but I know it's going to hit me soon. And then i will be left here crying trying to think of the good things. I owe a huge thanks to a really good friend of mine. He gave me some advice the night before I left and I decided to take it. Things went good. I was actually able to open up to my mom and sister and talk to them about a few things. It's good to have your family there to support you. It's also good to know that I do have my friends here to help me out. Thanks everyone!!!!! I hope everyone had a HAPPY EASTER!!!! =)


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