Tuesday, March 29, 2005

OMG. Today has just been crazy. But I am getting through it so that's good. After kickboxing I went to shoot around for a while and then came back to the dorm. Ashley came to hang out for a while and then Jeannie came over. We just chilled and listened to some music. I am going to be so sore from todays workout. It was kind of tough mainly cuz we did a lot of work on our arms and I have like no upper body strength. I gotta work on that. I cleaned my room and then got some stuff together for school. Then I laid in my bed. I tried to take a nap, but like these past few days I just couldn't. I don't know what's wrong with me. I am just having so much trouble sleeping. =( I really hope I get some rest tonight. I have a lot of studying to do though. Well, at least I SHOULD get some studying done. I already did my math homework so that was a start. Now i need to look over my notes for animal nutrition. I plan to watch my favorite movie tonight, hopefully I get the chance to.


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