Monday, March 14, 2005


As things in life start changing you can't help but go back in time and wonder why certain things occured. We always have questions about different subjects and lately the subject has been relationships or what "seem to be" relationships. It has come to my attention that there are so many girls, and guys, who go through the same situation over and over again and never know what to do. First of all, I am no expert so I can't really say what should and should not be done. Especially since I can't even answer my own questions. What I will say is all of our opinions, well the opinions of the people I have spoken to.

Okay, so the first question that is usually asked is, "Would going out with someone new help me get over the other person?" Obviously it seems like a good idea, but it's not. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to the person you are trying to date. You will constantly keep thinking of the person you want to be with and be wishing that they were there instead. So basically, if you want to get over somebody you are better off doing it on your own. Second question, "What went wrong, did I do something to make it all go away?" Okay that's two questions, but anyways; Blaming yourself isn't going to get you anywhere. What's done is done. Now you can try to make up for it, but only if the person gives you that second chance. The only way to truly know why something went wrong is to ask the person. Whether they are being honest or not is up to you to find out. Third question, "Should I keep holding on?" That is a difficult question to answer. It depends on you and the person and how the relationship was or is. If your heart is telling you to hold on and keep faith alive then that's what you should do. Especially if you love each other and know that you all make each other happy. If your heart is screaming at you saying to keep hope alive then follow your instincts. If something tells you it won't work out then it's better to just try to move on. As painful as it is, it must be done. You can't keep wishing and hoping for something that may never be there. Fourth question, "What do you do when someone tells you they need time and that they are going through difficult things right now?" This goes back to following your heart. If you truly believe that waiting around will eventually pay off then go for it. Either way you need to be there for that person, even if it is only as friends. Think about it. Do you want someone who is giving you their all or just half. Because if they are going through hard times then they aren't really being themselves. Instead they are being secretive and are hiding from the world. If you want to be with them show them that you care and that you are there for them. But if something tells you that they will never be ready or that there isn't any chance then be there for them as a friend and try to move on. Last question, "If you all have been in a relationship and then went backwards into the "talking" stage, is saying you miss them and that you want to spend time with them okay, after the person has told you they need space?" This one isn't so easy to answer, but some things that were stated are; if the person told you they needed space then you need to back off and keep your emotions to yourself. I know it hurts and that sometimes you just want to cry, but you need to respect their wishes. Show them you care in different ways. Such as a phone call just to say hi or a hug to show them that you still care. Just little things. Cause remember it is the little things that count the most.


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