Monday, June 06, 2005

FUCK!!!! I couldn't be in the worst mood right now. I am so frustated. I mean i got a few good things on my mind but the rest just sux. Tomorrow is definitely going to be a long day. But then again all my days have been long this past week. Especially yesterday. I had only gotten two hours of sleep and woke up at 6:30am to get ready to go to houston. We took off like at 8:30 and got there around 11. It didn't take me long to find the galleria. We spent almost 6 hours there. OMG. it was so exhausting. Not that i can completely complain seeing how it's the galleria. I had two interviews on the spot. They both went good. Afterwards we went to do a couple of stuff then headed to College Station. I went to the scc to do some things on the computer then went to take a paper to Marlene. It was nice to see her. I also got to see lindsey and deanna. Then we started are trip back to Cuero. That took forever. We kept getting lost. And then we were running out of gas so we were all worried. Finally around 1am we got there. I totally crashed like 20 minutes after getting there. As for tomorrow, it is definitely going to be a day of frustration and headaches. But i am praying to god that everything goes well. *crosses fingers*

At least I can be happy about one thing....but that should stay my little secret ;)


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