Monday, March 14, 2005

So it turns out I am going to houston tonight. HOW FUN =) Olivia and I were talking earlier and she mentioned how she wanted to go to Galveston but nobody else wanted to go. i was like, "shit I would go if I had a place to stay and money." Then she said that she would come for me. At first I thought she was kidding but she was serious so i was like okay cool. I called my momma and i was like mom can you send me some money so i can go to Galveston. And she said okay. Then it actually clicked to me, Hey i am going to houston tonight. =) Anyways, I went to the rec and played a couple of pick up games. Won both of them. Had a few good shots like yesterday. I did alright. I need to do a lot better before this coming weekend. Now I am at Clares. I just got out of the shower. I am gonna eat and then go back to the dorm and pack. I hope these next couple of days are exciting cuz I need something to distract me and bring my spirits up.


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