Saturday, April 02, 2005

I spent most of my day crying in bed, but forced myself to get up to go to class. I went and was bored to death. But anyways, I came back to my room and just chilled for a while before Clare came for me. We went to the mall to look for a dress for ring dance. I wasn't really feeling good but I knew it was important to her so I didn't care how sick I was, I was still gonna go with her. She knew I hadn't eaten all day except for some pop tarts so she forced me to eat some soup. I didn't think it would really hurt me but omg I felt so sick after a while. I had to sit down. Jeannie met up with us after she hung out with her mom, sister, and the baby. I didn't last that long there though. They ended up bringing me back sooner than planned. I am sorry you guys =( We picked up my medicine on the way back and I took it when I got back to my room. It knocked me out. I ended up sleeping for about 4 hrs. I was soooo hungry when I woke up. Of course, I have no money and nothing to eat so I didn't know what to do. Thankfully, Matt had some food upstairs so I went and got it. Thanks Matt!!! I came back to my room, ate and watched the game, and then went to shoot pool for a while. Of course I didn't do so good because I wasn't feeling so well. But I am glad I decided to go. I was so close to almost staying in my room, I just wasn't in the mood to be around anybody. Something just pushed me to go though. And it was fun. So much better than I thought. After a few games I was like okay I better go because I didn't want anything to mess up this night. I was so scared that the same thing was going to happen again tonight. I kept looking at my phone and praying that it wouldn't ring. And Thank God it didn't. Now I am back in my room just chillin. I have no clue of what to do. Maybe I should just go to sleep. I really don't want this night to go bad. It's the first time in a long time where nothing has gone wrong.

Missing everything.....
I only have one wish for tonight, but it's not like it will happen so I should just forget it.


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