Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The rest of my day went pretty well. I spent some time doing errands and then got some good news. Afterwards, my sister convinced me to burn her a cd. I guess I was being in a giving mood to let her use one of my cds. =p Then I drove to HEB to get some snacks for Isaiah's baseball team. All the parents take turn buying snacks for the kids and it was our turn. So I went with my sister and my mom to the practice and actually had a little fun. They are so cute to watch. I helped Isaiah practice hitting and catching. After that we came back and I watched the game. Stupid Dallas blew it. Ugh, I don't want to talk about the game. Anyways I have been doing crunches on and off today so I am going to do some more in a while and also some taebo once my sister and mom are done with the avon in the living room. All in all it's been a good day. Gotta get ready to wake up at 7am tomorrow. It shouldn't be that hard, I think I am getting used to it.


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