Monday, May 02, 2005

Thank God my prayers were answered. I don't know what I would've done. i don't even want to think about it. It was like my world had just gone blank. Everything was so dark. I was finally able to fall asleep around 5am. Woke up at around 12 and called my mom to see what was going on. She let me know my daddy was fine. Then she gave me the best news. My brother is coming today. =) I was truly debating whether to go to class or not but at the last minute decided to. It's a damn good thing i went to. She let us know what exactly was on the final and what to study. I had called my brother before class though to see what time he was gonna come in and he said two hours so he should be here around 5. Then just when i thought nothing else could make my day he let me know that one of my nephews was with him. My baby Andrew (AJ). He is sooooo adorable. He's only three years old and so cute. I can't wait to see them. I really need to try to get some work done today. I might have to stay up late tonight to get some studying done. Then I plan to go to my class at 8am tomorrow so it's gonna be a long night. I just want to say thanks to my friends. They really helped me out a lot last night. I don't know what I would do without all my friends.

A bright new life

When despair fills your weary soul
And there's just no way to cope;
When you think your life is over
And you see no ray of hope...
A light shines forth in the darkness
That will brighten your pathway...
It will bring down heaven's glory
And a brand new, happy day.
It's the Light of our Lord Jesus,
Precious Saviour, God and King;
His grace is free to all who bow
At the cross...their sins to bring.
This wonderful grace and mercy
Will free your spirit to sing...
Praises to God in the highest,
As you worship your great King.
The valleys won't seem so deep,
For you'll never walk alone;
You'll always have a perfect peace
And joy like you've never known.
Oh, friend, when you come to the end,
A new day awaits your soul...
The Saviour's there to pardon you,
He will cleanse and make you whole.
Just come to the cross of Calvary
And lay it all down at His feet...
You'll find amazing grace in Christ,
And A Bright New Life so sweet.

-Connie Cambell Bratcher-

Jesus said: "...I have come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly."
"In him was life; and the life was the light of men."
(John 10:10b; John 1:4)


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