Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Today has just been soooo fun. I woke up and went to class which went by fast so that was cool. Then after that I went to the mall to look at some things. I came back and hung out with Kia and Ashley for a while. Afterwards I got ready for the Regents Scholar banquet. I only stayed for an hour though so that I could go help get things ready for Matt's surprise party. It turned out really good. His brother and sister came in from houston and a few friends stopped by. And we really surprised him. We ate, then sang happy birthday, and then all played pool. The sucky part was that I was in a dress because of the banquet. I started a new fashion. A formal dress and bowling shoes. OMG. I looked sooo ridiculous, but it was funny. I am not really good at bowling so of course I kept missing my first few times. Then I actually started to get the hang of it. I was sooo surprised cuz the second game I bowled a 107. That is so cool. Then it was time to leave. Marlene, Matt, Candi, and me came back to Matt's room and chilled for a while. A while later Matt and me went to play pool. NO COMMENT!!!!! I had a lot of fun, but damn I did horrible. Now I know I should go to sleep but like always I just got some energy back in me so it looks like I am gonna be up for a good while.


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