Sunday, June 12, 2005

Some things in life really are taken for granted.

Well I am actually finally leaving today. I know I feel like i've been saying that forever. Things were just so messed up these past two weeks. I am leaving around 5:30. I still feel kind of bad, but it's just something i have to do. I spent last night studying which really sucked because there was so much information. Then I made the cards for the bubbles and the spoons for the wedding. Totally saved my sister money by making them. Aren't I such a good maid of honor. =) Then i spent the rest of the night either singing or reading a magazine. It had a lot of interesting things. I didn't get to finish reading but at least I have something to do on the road now. I woke up and started making a card for my parents. It's their 29th anniversary. Can you believe it 29 years. Wow. Yeah so instead of just going to the store and buying a card I decided to make one on my own. I did a pretty good job. I was impressed. lol. Anyways, now i do have to get my stuff together. Even though i was only home for about a week i unpacked a lot of stuff. =/ oh well, it's not so bad. It shouldn't take me that long.

Then tommorow will be filled with job interviews how fun!!!!
I also get to learn how to drive standard. totally scary. =[
A few days without my computer. completely sux. =(
A week full of studying my ass off. not cool.
tonight I get to watch the spurs. Now that is gonna be fun =)

Aight it's FINALLY time for me to go.



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