Friday, August 05, 2005

Yesterday was a blast. I really had fun at seaworld. Especially seeing the dolphins, they were so beautiful. All the animals were. I can't believe how smart they are. Shamu got me completely soaked but he was so cute. The rides were a lot of fun too. Everything was just amazing. I definitely have to go again. =) I was also glad that I got to spend the day with my sister and my nephew. Looks like I've gotten the chance to spend a day with all of my family before I leave.

I think I will spend the day here at home. My daddy went to the Valley with my uncle to go visit the church. He'll be home tonight. My mom is leaving around 4:30 to Hebbronville. she'll be gone for the whole weekend =( I know she'll have fun i just really wanted to spend time with her everyday before i left. Oh well, we'll have mon, tue, and wednesday to spend time with each other. Thursday will just be crazy, driving, unpacking, running errands, and so much more. My sister gets out of work today at three so that's cool. Hopefully she doesn't have to do anything and we can just chill at home. Mayeb she'll be in a good mood and help me pack =)


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