Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hmm...lets see if i wanted to summarize today in a sentence or key words i would have to say it was a day filled of fun, love, family, smiles, relaxation, some sadness but not to a point of driving me crazy, and peace. But I guess I can go into some detail. haha. I woke up, took a self study test, ate breakfast with my family, did a workout, did some chores, took a shower and relaxed for a couple of hours. Then I got to spend the rest of the night with all three of my nephews. OMG. they are sooo adorable. I love kids. They are getting so big I am gonna hate not being able to see them as often when I leave. After they left my mom and sis wanted me to watch the movie Cellular, i think that's what it's called so I did. It was a good movie, I liked it.

I hope everyone is doin good and having fun in these last few weeks of this dramatic summer haha. I know one of my good friends is having fun right now. I am sooo jealous of him. I wish I could be in Arizona visiting. Maybe one of these days, who knows.

Well I gotta get my beauty sleep you all so goodnight and sweet dreams. Love ya lots, Remember to always smile =)

(1 week and doin good, let's hope I keep it up)


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