Saturday, July 30, 2005

Wow, and to think i had begun a good sleeping schedule, tsk tsk tsk. I stayed up chatting till 4:30am last night and now i am at it again. My momma would kill me if she knew I was getting off my sleeping schedule again. ahh, actually i think she already knows =S Oh well, I'll get my beauty sleep soon. I am pretty sure once school starts I'll get back on it especially with a job now. Working and goin to school. Let's see how this works out. I think i'll be fine.

Some things have been really hard lately but I am keepin my faith. I know God is with me and his angels are protecting my family. I don't know how we are gonna get through this but I am praying that we do.

I finally finished all my work for my medical terminology class. YAY!!!!!!!! and i got an A. =) Let's hope i do good on the final. =/ I think i will. Now to finish my work for my other class. I'll take care of that this weekend. Of course after i do a few certain things that are on my agenda =) I am so lookin forward to these next couple of weeks. i cant wait. Well i better get to bed. Goodnight =)


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