Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Right now I am sitting at home enjoying the sound of the rain. I don't know why but I love the storms. I don't get scared at all. My sister on the other hand is terrified. It just started getting bad right now though. The rain is hard, the winds are strong, and the lightning is present at times.

Other then that my day has been nice. It's been relaxing and I have been getting things together for when I go back to CS. I really need to make a list of everything. My mom has been great and helping me with everything. Surprisingly my parents weren't upset about what happened this weekend. Oh, and hopefully I should be getting my phone reconnected soon. Maybe in about a week or two. That teaches me to stop using it so much or goin over my text messages. Something tells me that won't be happening as often when i get it back. =/

The beauty of meeting people and enjoying long conversations with them. =)


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