Saturday, May 21, 2005

Today was fun. I woke up early as usual now and did my workout for the day. Then I went with my sister to pick up my mom's gift. Afterwards I came back to dye my hair and get ready. My sister took my momma out to lunch and shopping. I think I spent like three hours just to myself. I haven't really focused on me on a long time. It felt good. We went to Isaiah's game at 7. I love watching the little kids play. They are too cute. There was one kid that hit the ball really good and ran super fast. I was impressed. Then they had a little party at Pizza Hut after the game to distribute the trophies. I was debating whether or not to order breadsticks cuz I didn't want to spend money, but at the last minute just ordered them. Then when the guy brought them to me he told me not to worry about it, they were free. =) So cool!!! I was like wow, thanks. We came straight home afterwards and watched the dallas vs. phoenix game. Damn that was a good fourth quarter. Freakin Nash got lucky. Ugh, I can't believe he made that last shot. Oh well. The spurs will get them. Tomorrow should be another long day. I gotta get up at 8am cuz I am going to go check out some cars. How fun!!! It's so freakin hard though. I wish I could just find a car, buy it, and that's it. But noooooo, it's all so difficult. But anyways, yeah, after that I can come home maybe take a nap and then take Isaiah to a party and then get ready for a wedding. what a fun day I have planned......Please feel free to text me at any moment. as many times as you want. I know I am going to be really bored.


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