Monday, July 04, 2005

This weekend cannot be described. Lets just stay it started off sooooo much fun and so good but things took a sharp turn. I will mention the exciting things I got to do though. We stayed at a cabin by the lake. Totally looked like the scenario in Friday the 13th. We were WAY out in the woods. No way we could've been found. I got to do like a mountain climbing thing. It was so much fun except for the part where I almost fell, that was totally scary. I even cut my leg =(. But it was cool because everyone else was too scared to climb it and I just went ahead and did it. Then some other people decided to try it. I went through the more difficult part though. I love a challenge. =) Then we went to the lake for a while and hung out. Skipped rocks. I actually made one skip like five times. i impressed myself. I could never do those stupid things. Then we went to mass in honor of my abuela. It was nice. The cool part is where they all sang happy birthday to me. =) The priest had asked if anybody had a birthday coming up and there went everyone pointing to me. I just sat there looking all nervous. Then he called me to the front of the church and had everyone sing to me and then he blessed me. =) I felt so loved. That totally made my day. Afterwards we all went out to eat. Then we all went back to my aunt's house. The grown ups drank and talked. My sister, cuz, and me were on the patio playing cards and drinking. I won almost all the games. It was funny cuz they kept getting mad. haha. Oh well, then it was back to the scary cabin. The next morning we got up at 7am so we could go on a boat ride. and who might you ask was the driver. ME!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome, my uncle actually let me drive the boat. Then we went to chill at the house again. Later on it was the volleyball tournament. so much fun. Then a water balloon fight. Family pictures. and lets just say thats where the fun ended with the whole family. Later on we popped fireworks and then went back to the cabin to pack and sleep. We left around 9:30 this morning and stopped by houston so that I could take pictures of the dress I want for my sister's wedding. We got home around 6pm. Damn that was a loonnnggg ride. My neck and back were killin me. Now I am finally home and able to relax for a while. Then it's time to study again. We plan on going to look at fireworks show and then pop some here at the house. That should be fun.


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