Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Talk about an interesting day. It has been good. Nothing to complain about. After i relaxed for a while I got back to studying. I was gettin sooooo sleepy so i went to the store to get me a LARGE cappuccino. Now I am kind of awake. I saw something today that I just couldn't keep in. I had to tell someone. So I called Jeannie and told her the gossip and she kind of freaked out too. That was the last thing I expected to see. Anywho, I really hope they call me from somewhere tomorrow cuz i NEED a job. Things need to start getting together for me. Once I find a job I think everything will be okay.

Such a sad story. There was a 6 year old girl who got murdered here in laredo. Her parents beat her up and sent her to her room and the next morning found her dead. Then they went and threw her body in a bush by the lake. These people are fucking crazy, how can you do that to your little girl. I hope they get what they deserve. They had a ceremony for her on the weekend and the funeral was today. May she rest in peace. Seriously though how can someone be that crazy to kill there own child. Ugh, that pisses me off.

As far as things with my family, things are goin okay. Still some financial problems but we are hanging in there. My sister is goin insane with the whole wedding. She is extremely stressed out. This is where the maid of honor (me) is suppose to come in and take over everything. yea, right. That is too stressful for me especially with school. I am gonna try to do my best though to get as many things taken care of. I am kind of anxious about this weekend. I really think it's gonna turn out to be fun. Unfortunately I wont get to spend it with my friends from high school but the following weekend will be spent with them. =)

Okay time to get back to studyin now.


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