Monday, March 06, 2006

After that lil emotional breakout i went through the last time i wrote i was doin fine. Things were good. I was focusing on school. I spent time with my babe. Relaxed for a day. I mean wow i had nothing to complain about except for my damn cysts. but i am use to the pain. They are just gettin really bad though. I'm gettin scared =( . Well like i said things were good then here goes hell......

  • certain people are lookin for me and i'm not just talkin about friends or family. (big trouble and really scared)
  • test results for my cysts just came back and they didn't come out good. (plz don't let me have to get surgery ;(
  • my grandmother whom i love so so dearly and am really close to was in the hospital for almost a week cuz of low blood pressure. (not good, i need to go home)
  • my damn money hasn't gone in my account so i haven't paid my rent and it was due fri (damn those late fees and my bank >(
  • my sis and dad got in a huge fight, mom cried, i cried because she was crying, dad's all depressed (i don't even know wut to say......)
  • I'm failing two classes (not cool at all)
  • I miss my baby.....

So there you go, that's tha deal with me. how i still wake up in the morning is a surprise!!!


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