Sunday, February 05, 2006

Things are still the same. Not much to report. I think lately I've just been trying to see what's good and bad in my life. I need to stay focused on what's important. As far as the love life goes I am just too caught up to know what I want. I rather just leave things the way they are. School is gonna be crazy this week. I have two exams that I am soooo terrified of. Please pray for me!!! I am excited about wednesday though cuz i have my first intramural game. So ready to kick some ass =) My parents might actually be coming up this weekend so that'll be cool. I really hope they do, it would completely make my weekend. I miss them tons. I am loving my new apt. It feels so good to finally have my privacy and not be surrounded by drama. Well at least not so much drama, I still have some. I need to get some furniture though, but that'll have to wait till I get back on my feet.

Last night was crazy. It's like all day long I had this one certain thing on my mind and i didn't know what to do about it so I asked God to send me a sign. Surprisingly my sign happened and i was speechless. It's like I am still confused but then again I got the sign I wanted so I really can't question it. Still I can't help but wonder if it's really meant to be or not......


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