Friday, March 18, 2005

I went to bed around 3:30am last night. Not so bad considering I had been going to bed around 5 or 6 the past week. I woke up around 6:30 because of Rioke (however you spell it). And then to clare screaming on the phone. I love you clare!!! I hate it cuz most of the time when I wake up in the morning I can't go back to sleep. So I got up and made myself some breakfast and continued reading my book. I am only on chapter 4 but hopfeully I will get up to at least chapter 10 by the end of this week. I guess I will study for a while and then watch Days of Our Lives. I have to be at Katie's house around 1:30 so we can leave by 1:45. I woke up feeling sick this morning. I am thinking it's just all this nervousness I am feeling. I need to calm down and just relax.


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