Wednesday, April 06, 2005

God answered my prayers. =) I am feeling a lot stronger then I have been these past few days. I did something last night that was very difficult for me. I was able to stop myself from smoking and I let go of them. Thanks for helping, you know who you are. I am very grateful for that. I think I felt completely relieved after a while. It was a hard thing but I was able to deal with it. Me and Candi moved the rest of her stuff in last night and cleaned up our room a little. It looks so beautiful. I love it!!!! =) Around 1:30am Cordel and Eric came to hang out with us. We were going to watch a movie here but we ended up going to Eric's house. Not before we got ourselves some McDonald's though. =) I hadn't had a hamburger in like forever. it was sooo good. The guys are so hilarious. They are a trip. It feels good to have new friends to be around. Now I am in much need of my beauty sleep so goodnight or goodmorning i don't know. =p Hope everyone has a good day!!! Love Ya!!!!


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