Thursday, July 07, 2005

Another day that was full of things to do. I woke up around 9am and got to cleaning. It took me a good while. I didn't completely finish so i'll finish it tomorrow. Afterwards, I took a nice cold shower and got ready to leave with my sister and my mom. We went to look at invitations for the wedding. We did a few other things and then headed back home. I then left with my sis to pick up Jorge and then do a few more things on our own. We came back home and she helped me with my work. I feel like I am doing really well. I have been able to answer a lot on my own without looking at the notes or getting hints. Anyways, I want to try to get two lectures in from chapter 6 tonight but we'll see how it goes. It turns out I will be heading back to college station on the 21st for sure, in august. (if not the 19th) I should be goin to seaworld next week or the following with my sis and nephew. Then either on auguest 7 or 8th I will be heading to CS to take my final exam. I was planning to stop by in houston but i am not sure yet. it was just gonna be me and jeannie goin but my mom wants to go so it depends on what she wants to do. Either way it should be fun. =) I have really been having lots of fun with my mom. It's been just like old times. She has mentioned the fact that I've changed and I am not the same girl I used to be. Mainly the fact that I haven't been able to forgive certain people about certain things and how it's hard for me to trust now. Before I used to trust people like nothing and use to forgive them for everything, but I can't do that now. Not after everything i've gone through. I apologized and told her there were just certain things that affected me. things that just couldn't be mentioned. Anywho, I am glad we are getting our special connection back. =) Tomorrow we are suppose to watch a movie and then play monopoly, how fun!!!!! I hope I get to bed at least by 2:30 tonight, I am already tired but I am trying to finish this damn assignment. I have to answer 1000 note cards, crazyness and i am only on 100 right now =( this is gonna take forever......


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