Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I didn't wake up at the time I planned to, but i guess 10am isn't that bad. I am just trying not to sleep past 11am anymore. I hate feeling lazy. Before college I was the one who always cleaned, helped cook, took care of things and now it's like I just sit here and don't do much. I have cleaned like once or twice, cooked dinner once, and the rest of the time nothing, except study. i hate that. So on my schedule today is to clean up the kitchen and my sisters room, since i am staying in it and my stuff is everywhere, cook dinner, and get two chapters done for my online course. and hopefully get to sleep early again. It's not so bad goin to sleep at a decent hour and waking up early. =)

Life is a gift, we must not take it for granted, especially not our family and friends.


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