Tuesday, December 06, 2005

If only someone can tell me which is the right path to take. i keep coming up with different options of what i should do but i just don't know what way to go. i feel like i really and truly don't have anyone to turn to. except God that is. i can't trust anybody and i hate it. i used to be able to trust people easily but i guess that is what lead me to all this. i let myself go to easily or should i say i gave all of me to someone to quick. now i am in a situation that i can't change but only try to make better. it's a whole new life that i have now. and possible not alone. i am not upset by that but actually happy. it's going to be a new adventure that i must take. i only hope that i begin to make the right decisions.

I think the one thing i hate the most is that i feel alone.....

Monday, December 05, 2005

Somehow I am still alive and making it through. Things are just as bad but it kind of helps to be home for this short while. I needed to get away and just think about how I wanted my life to be. What should I do, Where should I go, Who do I want in my life, and where do I want to be? So many questions and I am trying my best to figure out these answers. I keep praying to God to help me get through this and I know he is. Every day I feel a little bit stronger. I am hoping he does answer one imparticular prayer though, that would just make me soooo happy. *crosses fingers*

I miss everybody, I miss CS/ Bryan, I miss school, but mostly I miss YOU.......

I'll be back soon though. In about 5 or 6 weeks I will go at this one more time!!!!

Love you all!!