Sunday, January 29, 2006

Totally trippin

Okay so the deal is I really need to stop. At first it was alright but now it's just getting crazy. I mean I am pretty sure I know this is what I want. But then again, things are getting too wild. I just need to stay calm and not let it show. I mean after all everything else is going pretty good. I am usually always in a good mood now. School is going great. Basketball is awesome. My family is doing good. I can't complain. I honestly can say that this is the best I've been in these past couple of years. =)

People are really crazy. I mean seriously. I have been amazed by so many people lately it's really entertaining, some give headaches though. I don't know what choice to make right now but I guess I'll just leave that up to fate. Like I said I have nothing to complain about so I might as well as keep on doin what I'm doin. =)

Monday, January 23, 2006


I think I agreed to too many secrets this weekend. I mean I really didn't have a choice. It's not my place to tell anybody about someone else's business. But it does effect me in different ways. People always say that secrets have a way of getting out and I pray to God that the people who are involved in these secrets will be okay. I guess it affects me because I care about these people so much and don't want to see them hurt. I know God will be with them and protect them.

Talk about a day of drama. I had the worst shit happen to me yesterday, i mean you wouldn't believe everything I went through. Although I do have to say that I definitely enjoyed the night. I hadn't smiled that much in a while or felt so happy. I know not to get my hopes up this time though. I am just glad things could be left alone and good......

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wow it feels like forever since i've written. I guess cause i've just had my mind on other things lately. I am very proud to say that I am back in school. =) big congradulations to me!!!!! lol. anyways, there isn't really much to say. I am in school, doin okay in other things. A little emotional at times but the Lord gives me strength to keep going. My classes are really gonna keep me busy but i am ready for it. there is no way i am goin to let anything interfere with school. Oh and how can i forget, I GOT MY TONGUE PIERCED YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i totally love it. i had been wanting it forever. I can't stop playing with it, the only thing that sux is my tongue is swollen so i talk funny but it'll go down soon. Thats pretty much all the exciting news so till next time =)

Monday, January 09, 2006

well thanks for all the comments, i miss you all tons and hope everything is goin good for you. I am sure your curious what's goin on with me, so here it goes...

I went home and learned a lot. I was able to see what I had been doin this past year and remembered the person i was before. I am truly sorry to everyone especially the ones that were there for me the most. I am now realizing how much those friendships meant to me and I only wish I could gain them back. I really don't have time to write so I will type more later.

Oh, and I am back in Bryan. third times a charm right......