Thursday, November 24, 2005

I can't believe I went this long without writing. I've finally gotten the chance to just sit down and let things out. This whole month has been something else. Everything has definitely changed. My life isn't nothing of what it used to be. If only I can truly say the things that have been occuring but those things are definitely going to have to be kept between me and my close friends. Here's something interesting, I got jumped by almost 5 gurls about two weeks ago. All because of jealousy. Can you believe it, i mean come on get on with your life don't go causing shit just cuz you can't have what you want!!! Anyways, things with me and Curtis seem to be getting so much better. I am so in love with that boy, words couldn't even come close to being able to describe it. As far as everything else goes i just have to leave it up to God. I know he's going to pull me up and make everything better. I just need strength and hope and I am alright. I hope everything is good with everyone!! Happy Thanksgiving!!! =)


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