Thursday, August 18, 2005

I never would have believed it if you told me

If someone would have told me last week that I would be in a good relationship, have a job, and be doing good in everything else there is no way I would've believed it. I am for once really really happy right now. Curtis is just absolutely wonderful, me and ashley are having a blast at our apt, i got a job working with kids which is exactly what i wanted (i start on mon), i got a call from my mom and dad the other night =), i got my schedule fixed today so that's all done. I think i could mention so many more things but I am just too happy right now to think of everything. Looks like things are coming together for this semester.

I got some shocking news yesterday that really took me by surprise but i just really thought about it and made a decision. I am happy with my decision right now, i wouldn't have it any other way!!!

You took me by surprise and just completely stole my heart..... =)

Last night Curtis and Billy went over to the house to see me and Ashley and we just all hung out. It was lots of fun. Damn Curtis has a good memory he remembers every little thing I have ever told him but that is sooo cute, it just means he truly pays attention. I played him a game of speed which was pretty funny because if he won I would have had to take a shot but if I won it would be the other way around. Haha, i won =) no shot for me!!! Then he was showing me this trick and of course i couldn't figure it out so he told ashley to try it and that if the trick worked she would have to take shots, poor ashley, she had to take two =(. Then we all just listened to music and Curtis was looking at my pictures. He already took one home with him. and he just had to take my favorite one, you know the one with the halo on it. Yea well i really didn't have a choice he was gonna take it no matter what. He said his sister said i was pretty and that she thinks she's seen me before when i worked at Foleys. He's already talked to his mom about me and i was like awwhh how cute. =) I feel like I am in cloud nine, i know such a cliche, but it's the truth. He was saying himself last night how he couldn't believe how fast I got his attention and the fact that he has come to see me everyday since we've met. =) I was just like that's a good thing, hehe. I told him the same thing though. I love seeing him everyday. He calls me in the afternoon and then stops by at night and I still miss him in the mornings. All I will keep saying though is please God don't take this away from me, just let it last. I don't want to lose this. I couldn't bare it if I got my heart broken again. This morning when I woke up I was kind of in a bad mood and he could tell. He was just like why are you in a bad mood and i was like I am not I am just tired. I truly don't know what was wrong with me but I think it's because I am getting terrified of all this going away. Him leaving me, my heart getting broken, waking up.....=( I wish i wasn't scared but I can't help it. When he called me yesterday and told me he needed to tell me something and that he would be right over my heart just stopped. I started pacing back and forth, my hands were shaking, bad things were going through my head, i mean wow i was so paranoid about what he was going to tell me. i just kept thinking he was going to end it but thankfully he didn't. Although what he had to tell me was pretty shocking, the fact of the matter is, he was telling me the truth because he cares a lot about me and he wants there to be nothing but honesty between us. =) and i completely agree. A relationship without trust is not worth having. Anyways, yea so I've written a lot already so I better quit, the point was, that i am happy and completely taken away right now. =)


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