Wednesday, August 31, 2005

These first few days have gone pretty well. There is no way I am letting myself get behind this year. I need to work my ass off so I can pull off at least a 3.5, i am aiming for that 4.0 though. Wish me luck!!! Anyways, as always now and days you know I have to write about my love life =), it is absolutely amazing. Since day one Curtis and I have been seeing each other every day, i love that. We went to get him a cell phone yesterday so that he can call me whenever =). Well it was so funny at the store because just by the way me and him were acting and the fact that I had a ring on my finger she asked if we were engaged, we both just laughed and were like noooo, at least not now, haha. maybe in about 4 or 5 years, lol. I swear it feels like me and him have been together for sooo long. We just have this strong connection between us that makes our relationship 1000 times better. We went to the rec yesterday. I really didn't do much cuz I was tired and hadn't eaten so I just ran half a mile and then went to watch him play basketball. Ooohh my baby did good. He is like a natural three-point shooter. I was sitting down and this guy and gurl came to sit next to me and the guy was telling the gurl "watch out for him, he'll just pop three's like nothing, and his defense is pretty good also", i couldn't quote it exactly but it was something like that. and damn did he look good without a shirt on, whew, how I lucked out with him I don't know, but I am very very happy =) I can't wait to see his daughter. The gurl hasn't let him take her home so I haven't gotten the chance to see her but hopefully I will soon. I already have a couple of pictures of her in my room, she is absolutely beautiful.

This morning has just been crazy. I didn't want to wake up, especially since I was in my babe's arms which is always the best place to be =)so i ended up not getting up till like 6:40 and had to hurry my ass up to catch the bus. LaRhesa and I always ride the bus together now in the mornings. Well by the time I stepped outside she was like we just missed it and I was like damn it!!! Oh well, then we get to the bench to sit down and wait for the bus where the majority of all my cookies fell to the floor =( that totally sucked, then when i get to class i dropped my highlighter which I couldn't get cuz the floor is slanted and it rolled down a lil. Then of course I had to drop my phone at the end of class. You would think this was bad enough right, well then I went to the commons to get breakfast and I asked for a bacon burrito and they gave me a sausage burrito, and I asked for an orange juice and they gave my apple juice. Ugh, what a crazy morning. I can't wait to just get home and relax. I can probably get about an hour and a half of sleep cuz then I have to go to work at 2:30. I should get out at 6:00pm and then after that I am gonna pick up three of Curtis's nieces so that we can go swimming back at my apt. this is going to be a looonnnggg day. Of course though, I am looking forward to the night time =)


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