Sunday, August 28, 2005


I guess I was wrong when I said I didn't think things could get better cuz they definitely did. I decided to move into another apt and I signed my lease Wednesday. I am now living at Campus Lodge and I absolutely love it. =) I have my own room, my own bathroom, complete privacy. What more could I ask for. Friday night I went with Curtis and his niece ashley to a football game and then we went back to his sister's house. I was really nervous about meeting her but she's cool, i really like her. Curtis and Billy went out and I chilled there with Rhonda. I had a lot of fun. She has five daughters and they are all so beautiful. I enjoyed talking to them yesterday. After a while Billy and Curtis brought me over to Campus lodge and helped me get everything together. Then Curtis took me to get my stuff from Ashley's and they helped me move it into my apt. I did most of the unpacking I just gotta get everything together. I went to the party last night at Ramada Inn. I mainly just stayed with Brandy and Clorissa. There was a lot of people but I really didn't know that many. I ran into Deanna and she informed me about some things so that was cool. I had fun, but I really missed my baby so I left around 1am and me and him got something to eat and then came back and watched a movie. That was the best part of my day. I think everytime I am with him is what makes my life so good and brings me sooo much happiness. I love our relationship, i love his family, his beautiful daughter, which I haven't met but hope to really soon, and everything else about him. My sister can tell how happy I am but of course she is just like don't rush things, take it slow. but still happy for me =)

I still have a few things to do today but I am not really stressed about it. I want to relax considering classes start tomorrow. Time for the stress to come. But I am definitely ready this time. I know later on I am goin to Rhonda's house so we can hang out for a while and then we are going to bring the gurls over here to go swimming. I also have to do a lil grocery shopping. I don't have anything to eat right now. I am just goin to get a few things right now and worry about getting more later. I love how I have this constant smile on my face and how God has blessed me and my family. He has really given me the strength to get through so much. and he has blessed my family and me with love and joy!!! =)

Your presence makes my world absolutely wonderful =) !!!!


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