Saturday, September 17, 2005

Yesterday wasn't such a bad day, if you don't count all the throwing up and nausea and dizzyness but yea anyways, I went to Foley's to see if I could get a job there again and well my old boss was there and said to talk to Marie (main person to hire people) because there were a couple positions open. She made me feel so good cuz she was all happy to see me and at the fact that I wanted to work there again =). Well Marie called me later and said she had two positions opened and that they wanted to hire someone who had worked for them before and we talked and it looks like everything turned out good. I have to go meet her right now to take care of the schedule and paper work. Another good thing is that I had an interview for a student worker position on thursday and it looks like that went well too. I have to go take all my paper work in on monday so they can get everything together. Wow a full time student and two jobs. That's gonna take a lot out of me. But i am proud of myself. I am doing what I know needs to be done. =) I miss my baby soooo much. I met his mom yesterday, she was so nice and sweet. Curtis said that she told him I was absolutely gorgeous, ahh how cute, totally blushing, haha. But yea, my baby worked all day yesterday then they turned off his phone around 8pm so I haven't talked to him since before then. I miss him tons. I just want to here his voice right now. He works from 7am-7pm today. But he should be coming tonight so hopefully he does and we can enjoy a whole night together. =) Well I better go. Gotta make that money!!!!


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