Friday, September 09, 2005

Today has been a loonnnggg day. I am really not that tired and it's already late but that's what I get for taking a nap. I am really proud of myself because I read 80 pages in a couple of hours. I needed to read that for my class and I actually did it, wow, that just shows that I am dedicated this year =) But hey when everything is goin good in your life you just want to keep it that way. I talked to my baby for a good while. I miss him tons. He's coming to CS in the morning so I am praying that I get to see him. *crosses fingers* I also got a surprise IM tonight from an old friend that I thought would never talk to me again but I am glad she did. I missed her friendship and her crazy self. LOL. And the fact that she is usually the only person to ever understand what I say. haha. but yea hopefully she can come chill tomorrow!!! I guess I should get some sleep. I only have one class tomorrow which is cool, and then Christina (my roommate) is gonna take me to pick up my check and then we are gonna go to the mall. I haven't decided if I am going to buy anything yet. I'll make that decision while I am there tomorrow =p Alright, well lately I have been enjoying my dreams so I think I will go to sleep now. =)


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