Thursday, September 08, 2005

I miss my babe =(

I used to think my sister was crazy when she said she missed her fiance and he was only gone for like 5-10 minutes. Now I know how she feels. I hate being away from him for just that short time and right now I am sooo sad cuz I haven't seen him since Tuesday and that was only for a short while. I won't even get to see him today =( I miss him sooo much. I can't even explain it. I've probably talked to him the majority of the day everyday, but still it's his presence, his smile, his arms, his kisses, it's everything that I miss. I love every moment I talk to him on the phone, I just light up when I hear his ringtone on my phone. I can talk to him forever. Last night I was so sleepy but I just didn't want to hang up the phone. We were talking today about where we wanted to go after I graduate, such a coincedence that the love of my life doesn't want to stay in texas either. I have known since high school that after I graduated from college I was leaving out of state. I don't know where yet, but we'll figure it out. We still got a couple of years. All I do know is that he is the one. I can picture my future with him. He means absolutely everything to me. I was blessed when I met him =)

Yesterday after my literature class I went to go hang out with Candi. We got something to eat at the commons and just talked about everything. I loved our conversation. We talked about Curtis and me and about how happy I am. haha. She said she hadn't seen me so happy in a loonnnggg time. And that you could just tell by looking at me. I was like yup I am happier than I've ever been. It was definitely love at first sight!!!! She'll get to meet him on Saturday so that's cool. I missed hanging out with my gurl. She's gonna have to come chill at the apt with me sometime ;)

Today has just been a loonngg day. I am so exhausted and my ankle is killing me. I don't know why I've been so tired though. I thought I got a good amount of rest but apparently not. I have been taking short naps all day. Well not all day I took two, lol. but still that's more than usual. Maybe I just rather sleep because at least then I can dream of me and my baby whereas if I am awake all I am doin is missing him like crazy and get all sad. Just a couple of weeks and then hopefully my babe will get a car and he can come be with me all the time. Patience. Gotta have patience. I know I'll be with him for the rest of my life so I just gotta think of that. All I have to do is think about him and a smile comes on.


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